Friday, November 9, 2007

The Big Picture, Part II

For today's writing workshop, please start by completing the following sentence:

"Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal _____________________________________________________________.


Badger Fan said...

That many people are actually against the HPV vaccine AND that there are in fact some risks, not that many, but there are some. Also the costs to make this vaccine compulsory are quite high.

Knick-Nat said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that many people are against anonymous sources because of how many turn out to be wrong, can't be traced, and are used as a 'shield' to hide behind that many think is cowardly. However, many editors and politicians like anon. sources because politicians can say whatever they'd like without getting in trouble, and editors see it as a new story.

Veronica said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that yes, there is still segregation in our society, but maybe segregation isn't exactly a bad thing. My sources prove that some groups flourish when segregated and that segregation is a choice of many.

paparazzi_cj said...

My sources reveal that modern day piracy is a real issue and it is one that is not addressed. Many people think that there are no more pirates and they only exsist now in movies, but that is not true. People do not realize that: One, there are pirates out there today. and Two, these pirates may very well be more dangerous than the ones of yesteryear. Modern pirates have an arsenal of automatic guns and GPS devices. They are techno enhanced and very dangerous.

NotAPlasticDoll said...

The sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that music does increase the brain activity substantially, but there is a issue with what type of music activates the brain the most. Some say that it doesn't matter what music you listen to, and others say otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that their truly is no hard evidence that can link adolescent disobedience with growing up in a single parent household. Also I have discovered that their actually are positive traits that come from being brought up in a single parent household.

SuperSheep said...

"Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal... That there is no conclusive evidence on the beginning of our existance and there never will be. However, my research thus far shows that there is (at least) equal evidence to support creation as there is to 'support' evolution." Luckily that is my thesis, neither answer is more scientifically overwhelming than the other... so we should, at least, teach both in schools.

Anonymous said...

My work has revealed that video games, unlike what I initially thought, encompass many diverse pyschological, behavioral, and physical effects resulting from game use. One does not necessarily have to play video games 24/7 to feel the effects of video game, sometimes short term exposure has equal effects on a person. I have noticed a trend in the results though, decreased academic performance and social life, physical ailments such as sleep depervation and loss/gain of weight, and also behavioral changes such as increased aggression or irratability. Together, these effects can constructively form a strong argument to how exactly video games not only affect the virtual world, but affect the real world as well. I don't think people understand that video games do not only encompass violence, which is one part, but are constituted by many diverse side effects, and that is where I plan to launch my attack on this paper.

Patrick Swayze said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that depressed people are influenced to commit suicide, when a the media (radio, tv, newspaper etc.) exposes suicidal news stories.

Michelle said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that there are many different interpretations of Montessori schools, however each one seems to have a few central principles. Also, many of my sources point out that due to No Child Left Behind it is becoming much harder for Montessori schools to be true to the original practices.

slm said...

"Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveals that sexual behavior is becomng the leading cause for HPV. Not only does sexual behavior the cause of catching HPV; HPV the starting place for cervical cancer.

Kendal Cross said...

"Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that glacier melting is raising sea levels at dramatic rates and is caused by a combination of the emission of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. The global warming in the Arctic is continually melting ice, which changes the whole environment for all of its living creatures and the rising sea levels create problems for coastlines around the world.”

krystle said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that I'm still in the process of gathering information on different views that have to do with immigrants coming into America. I've found information on immigrants and how the process they have to go through isn't helping them. Aything that has to do with being an immigrant, with paper work and interviews they are treated like a lesser person. When you go to these builidings and try to ask for help in becoming a citizen you are sent from place to place, have to always fill out paper work, and not to metion the cost of everything. These immigrants came here for a reason to better themselves, save up money, and ultimately do better for their family. How can they do that when they're having to save hundreds just to become a citizen? They can but it's very difficult. So, as you can see I have some good information going, but still have some more research to go.

K A T Y said...

The sources I have consulted with so far reveal that we have so much wind potential in America, but it isn't being put to use because
1. Most of the public finds wind turbines unappealing to look at
2. There are claims that wind turbines disrupt radar signals.
3. Owning the land needed is
H A R D to get.

Jon said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic have revealed:

1. The alleged “autism epidemic” does not really exist. Contrary to popular belief, cases of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are not multiplying like a disease; rather, criteria required for ASD diagnoses are consistently changing and becoming more accurate.

2. Disability policy is going through these changes as well, and there may be direct links between increases in the quantities of ASD diagnoses and the amount of financial aid families with children with ASD are eligible from federal and local governments.

3. Many educators in public schools are unable to keep up with and implement current ASD research findings into their teaching strategies, and there are specific ways that society must respond to solve this problem.

Sophie88 said...

Taken together, the sources I have consulted so far on my research topic reveal that there is evidence that homosexuality is a result of genetics, but I have also found that even though someone may have the genetics to be gay, he or she may not consider themselves homosexual. I have also found that homosexuality is also present in mammals other than human beings, which could support my argument that homosexuality is not a choice. I found research using qualitative research and also quantitative research. By using a diverse type of evidence, I believe my viewpoint could reach more people.